What is a Problem Child?
Problem children as is evident from the term applied to them, are children whose behavior is not normal and it results in some or the other problems of adjustment being caused. In the words of Valentine, "A Problem child is generally used to describe children whose behavior or personality in something is seriously abnormal." In this manner the class of problem children includes all those juveniles whose character and personality shows some sings or abnormality. Some behavioral abnormalities that seem to indicate this condition are stealing, lying, annoying children weaker and younger than themselves, not doing home assignments, running away from school or arriving late at school. They can also be called defects or abnormalities concerning character or personality because conduct of this nature indicates shortcomings in both personality as well as character.

Detection of Problem Children
For an understanding of psychology of problem children it is necessary that a detailed analysis of the behavior be made and the problematic from the behavior distinguished from the normal forms. It must here be recalled that the problem child is not a member of a group distinct from the normal child groups. There is no distinct line that distinguishes rum from his more normal counterparts as to some extent, a all varying stages in childhood the behavior of every child becomes problematic Almost every child, at some stage or the other and for ore reason or the another tells a lie or steals something. Hence, it is not quite desirable to declare one completely problematic and another more or less completely normal. It has been seen that very often the child is prone to much naughtiness between the ages of two and five, and his conduct appears somewhat problematic and strange. But as he continues to grow older this naughtiness disappears and he no longer appears a problem child. It is for this reason that specialists have mace very detailed studies into problem behavior. In his book on educational psychology, Cronbach made a mention of an experiment or study by Richard Henderson which had revealed symbols of problematic behavior that were considered the most sure signs of problematic trouble by the best trained and particularly intelligent research workers.
Causes of Problematic Behavior
Problematic behavior can have two kinds of causes : (1) Hereditary and (2) Environmental. Hereditary causes include physical, emotional or nervous defects but sometimes these may also he the result of weakness. The environmental factors are the following:
1)      Atmosphere at home - One major cause of problematic behavior is the contaminated behavior that exists in many homes. A large majority of problem children come from broken families of divorced persons. In a study conducted by Bannister and Rooder it became known that 65 per cent of children come from homes that have an improper atmosphere. Certain other studies traced abnormal behavior to such diverse causes as poverty, lack or recreation, absence of care almost complete absence of affection and love, cruel behavior of step-mothers or other relatives, too much cinema seeing, etc. Where the entire family is compelled to live in a small house with only two rooms the child may have occasion witnessing of which has the worst influence upon his undeveloped mind and leads him to forming bad sexual habits. Signs of problematic behavior are also generated in children who come from homes the atmosphere in which is either strictly disciplinarian completely lax and uninhibited. Much of what is said in the following chapter regarding juvenile delinquents is also true of the problematic children.
2)    Bad company- Besides the family another agency that plays an important role in developing signs of abnormal behavior in the child is his companionship, Falling into bad company the bet of children learn stealing, smoking, physical outrage cruelty or sex habits of a bad nature.
3)   Atmosphere in college Another important case of problematic behavior is the defective and contaminated atmosphere at college. It is only natural for children to show signs of abnormal behavior when they are compelled to study in colleges or schools in which the teachers present improper and immoral ideals before them, teaching is disgusting or uninteresting and where there is a absence the method of wholesome recreation, etc
Cure of Problem Children
Hence, the cure of problematic children demands the removal of all objectionable elements from the atmosphere at home and in college as well as from the child's company. The main facts to be noted in this connection are the following
(a)    Measures concerning the family-Valentine has made the following suggestions concerning the administration of discipline in the family:
1)      Discipline should not take the form of pressure or fear but should aim at ultimate self control in the child.
2)      Level of conduct should not be too high
3)      The behavior of parents should be benevolent, and there should be every possible cooperation between the home and school.
4)      Discipline and rules should be relative
5)      The child should never be allowed to feel that he is not loved by anyone

Following these suggestions it will be possible to improve the atmosphere of family. Residences of families should normally be as far as possible from prostitution houses, gambling dens and factories, etc. Children should not be allowed to view very inflammatory or highly sexually arousing films. Parents should be affectionate and understanding in their behavior as the child's behavior character and personality depends upon these corresponding elements in themselves. Thus, they must present the best ideals to the children and should the child develop any undesirable symptoms it should be dealt with psychologically rather than having recourse to physical punishment.
(b) Good Company- The company that a student keeps outside the house, in college or in the neighborhood should be carefully studied and kept in mind. If he has had the misfortune of falling into bad company tactful methods should be employed to wean him of I and introduce him into better circle of friends. It is equally improper and unjustified to give the child too much pocket money or to give him none at all. There should be adequate arrangement for his recreation.
(c) Methods adopted by schools- Schools can adopt the following measure for the prevention or cure of problematic behavior in the students:
       1)      Presentation of high ideals by teachers - In the school the teacher is not less than an ideal to the student or a child, hence. it is essential that the teacher’s character, personality and conduct should be of the highest order and exemplary that the best ideals become personified in him.
  2 )      Interesting method of education - If the method of education of teaching
be not interesting the children run away from school and fall into very bad habits
If they are taught by more interesting methods they will be interested and thereby
prevented or protected from many ill usages.
3)      Proper use of educational apparatus - In school through the medium of
libraries and reading rooms children and students should get healthy literature so that their thinking may lake on a healthy hue and proper form.
4)      Balanced curriculum The curriculum in various classes for students should
be so designed as not to strain the student too much, but at the same time provide
him with a variety of knowledge.
5)      Arrangement of extracurricular programmes - Where the question of
preventing problematic behavior in children is concerned, much more can be gained by extracurricular activities such as picnics, touring, camps, scouting, community singing, dancing and debate, etc., than can be achieved through the formal curriculum.
6)      Means of healthy recreation- If the child is to be persuaded to avoid any
unhealthy means of entertainment it is necessary that various kinds of games and
mean of recreation be made available to him, so that he can enjoy himself without
injuring his development.
7)      Self discipline -Discipline in the college should not be foisted upon the
student but should take the form of autonomous or self discipline. This will help to
increase a sense of responsibility without being a burden upon them.
8)      Synthesis between family and school -In order to prevent or to cure
problematic behavior in the child it is essential that the teacher and parents should
jointly endeavour to achieve it. Hence, family and school should be synthesized.
0)Guidance- Children are often faced with problems the solution of which
is beyond their own ability, and this results in difficulty that manifests itself in the
form of symptoms of problematic behaviour. Hence, the school should provide for
individual, educational as well as vocational guidance.


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