“Stress” a normal word but have potential to disturb once life. A mad rat race among human to achieve the targets to fulfil the expectations and dreams, competition with other may lead to a stressful life.  This stressful life may lead to several health issues like insomnia, blood pressure and depression etc.This blog may help you to reduce or manage your stress level and lead happier and healthier lives. Here we have some tips to keep you stress free.
  • Always Keep a positive attitude.
  • Remember that you cannot control each and every event.
  • Don’t be aggressive, be assertive. Always try to assert your opinion, feelings instead of becoming defensive, angry.
  • Do meditation for stress management.
  • Do exercise regularly. A fit body can fight stress in a better way.
  • Take healthy meals, well-balanced calories timely.
  • Manage your priorities.
  • Spare quality time for your hobbies and interests for relaxation.
  • Take 8 hours of sound sleep to avoid stressful life.
  • Never consume alcohol, drugs or other narcotics to reduce your stress.
  • Spare quality time with your family.
  • Keep distance from social media.
  • Always be a part of healthy discussions.
  • Avoid people who are having negative approach.


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