
“Language is a means of communicating thoughts”
Language is a unique gift of god given to human beings. It is the only way to communicate to the world. God equipped humans to express their thoughts, emotions and views to other people with the help of language only. It may be verbal, non-verbal. Person can also use body language, facial expressions and gestures to express themselves as these are a part of non-verbal communication. This word language is derived from ‘Latin’ word ‘Lingua’ which means ‘tongue’. Language is the most important and intact component of culture. India is a very diverse country where people use approx. 1600 languages for communication and this makes our nation multilingual and people are also using more than two languages in their day to day life for communication, study etc.

Multilingualism can be defined as a state or ability of an individual or group of individual or a society where speakers use more than two languages. This concept was introduced by CABE (Central Advisory Board of Education) in 1956 and after the recommendation of Kothari Commission in 1964-66 it was implemented in our education system. In India we have three language formulas in our school education system. Under this system one is mother tongue or regional language, Hindi and one modern foreign language was introduced at school level. Multilingual is universal in nature as most of the world’s population speak more than one language. Multilingualism touches each and every aspect of our life and it has a very wide scope. It helps individual to use it in Education, for their personality enhancement, in political sectors, social factors etc. It is very significant at professional and economic front. It acts as a resource as well as a strategy to deal with various issues of modern world. It brings people of different countries at one platform to resolve global issues like peace and harmony, national integrity, global development etc.


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