AI is beneficial for humanity or not?

When we are talking about Alexa or Siri, we are talking about Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence or AI is software and algorithms which work on computer machines to perform the tasks in a similar ways like humans. AI is basically learnt and solves problems with the help of machines like a human mind. The term “artificial intelligence” was coined in 1955 by John McCarthy, who became one of co-founders and leader of AI research.
The basic benefit of AI is that it replicates actions and decisions of humans without any shortcomings, such as emotion, fatigue and time period. As we know that when we are taking any decision, some how we will take that decisions logically or emotionally. But the robots do not have any emotions and sentiments, so the decisions taken by them are purely logical. Second point is that the chances of error occurred by machines is very Nil related to humans. In our daily life smart phones are the best example of AI; there are so many applications on smart phones which work on the artificial intelligence, such as GPS, Google Assistant. GPS provides you to the shortest and fastest way of your destination from any where. If we are talking about Alexa and Siri, these are the robots which do works just like humans and also like machines. So there are so many benefits of AI in our life. On the other side so many peoples says that AI is dangerous for humanity.
Stephen Hawking says that “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of human race.”

As we know that the Computer Revolution is the main topic in future. This is an important matter in today’s society because it influenced our basic life style and we have become more dependent on the computer machines for every field of our lives.
It has been suggested that robots and super intelligent computers that are constantly excelling may take unplanned independent actions, possibly resulting in out-competing humanity. In future the AI machines are called “advanced human- level intelligence” which creates new and dangerous challenges for humanity- although they help us to provide solutions for other existential risks.
If some one is thinking that we should be able to control the Artificial Intelligence because it is developed by us, but it is wrong. Intelligence is not a tool or technology, once it is developed it will work like a human brain, it starts creating. If the intelligence is more powerful than it can reshape the world around it.
That much extreme level of intelligence would not controlled easily, and would supposedly act to boost their own intelligence, evolving, acquiring more and more resources from the earth. Computers are designed logically and they do not work emotionally.

So the point is that if we lead AI in such a rapid way then one day it will lead humans, and we are also not able to control the intelligence of robots. So the much use of AI is not beneficial for humanity in future.


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