Why is the pressure button in the plane necessary?

The principle of physical is that the pressure of air decreases with height. The person can breathe only in a certain barrage. So air pressure is controlled inside the plane. There is no scope for error in this system, because this mistake can cause travelers to die. So you know the whole system If the plane flies to the height, then the air pressure decreases. Since the plane's structure is able to withstand this difference. But the passengers inside the aircraft have to keep the same air pressure. The order in which the pressure to be created is called the cabin pressure control system.

Air pressure is low at the height, but on the ground it is more. Therefore, pressure on the air with the help of the engine inside the plane is kept on an ordinary ATM. This pressure is controlled by specially made valves based on the height of the plane simple and straightforward answer, because we need oxygen. We know that the level of oxygen goes down at a higher altitude. This is a misconception. In a written article for CNN, a pilot has said that the amount of oxygen that is at sea level is also the same as the oxygen height. But, with increasing height, pressure decreases, causing problems in breathing. Pilot has said that cabin pressure is maintained in the flight to overcome this problem. When the flight land is done, the cabin pressure is gradually reduced.
According to the Medical Institute of Smithsonian, the pilot normally stops the engine pressure system for a short time when the weight of the aircraft is high. So that the engine uses its full capacity to lift the plane.
- But after reaching a certain height, this 'bleed switch' has to be turned on for the pilot. There is no scope for error, warning alert alarm starts at 10, 000 feet height when the plane arrives.
If the pilot takes the aircraft to a height of 14,000 feet by ignoring the alarm. The oxygen mask, which is used to breathe in the emergency, opens automatically. However, crew members can open it even before this height.
- It is believed that the pilot stopped the bleed button while flying, but it did not open again. Even he ignored warning alarms. he risk of suffering from travelers 'hapoxia' At this stage, the body lacks oxygen
 Lowering pressure will cause blood to flow in the arteries as bubbles of nitrogen gas, causing death
 Passengers may complain of pain in joints, bleeding from the nose and ears, headaches, and the risk of paralysis. Before the aircraft flies, the pilot will personally examine the whole system
Communication, emergency, fuel, and computer system investigation will be done on priority basis
It will also already be decided which member of the crew member will be informed and what order
After completing the cabin safety check, the pilot will not make any announcement except emergency Humans usually breathe 1 at ATM atmospheric pressure
- 0.47 ATM atmospheric pressure should be minimized for breathing (equivalent to about 5950 meters height from sea surface)
- 0.35 ATM atmospheric pressure is difficult to survive (equal to the height of 8000 meters from sea surface


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