Workshop on Mindfulness in the Classroom

JIE organized a Workshop on Mindfulness in the Classroom on 6th September, 2018 for B.Ed. students as the practical component of Course code 155 –Understanding the Self. Ms. Aishwarya Laxmi Singh conducted this workshop. The workshop was focused on mindfulness which is about being aware of one’s own experiences. It brings us closer to difficulties but without becoming caught in our reactions to difficulties. It is a gentle way of showing who we are. Owing to the importance of mindfulness for a teacher, the workshop was carried out for following objectives:
  1.      To understand one’s own body and mind
  2.      To create a stress free work environment in schools’
  3.      To have a better decision making power
  4.      To be aware of our senses and situations taking place around us.
  5.       To be an effective and mature, sensible or wise teacher.
In order to achieve these objectives, Ms. Aishwarya explained the importance of Yoga in daily life. She demonstrated number of Asanas viz. Surya Namashkar, Shava Asana, Tadasana, Paschimottanasana etc. 

While practicing these Asans, she explained its benefits and precautionary measures to be carried out during any Asana.


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