On the honesty vessel we find a galaxy of religions followed by different people in countless members. Though the name of all the religions as well as symbols are not so same yet their preaching are the same. Those instructions are pertaining to honesty equality, brotherhood and mutual cooperation. All the religions of the world have really given the only preaching of goodness and purity.

It has originated and furnished our society. It reveals us clearly how to live in the society how to deal with others and to earn assets for livelihood and how to consume it. It means not even a single point has been untouched that is to be seen in our practical life throughout the day and night. However all the religions play a vital role in joining the hearts of the people with one another. It raises humanity and brotherhood by removing hatred. It enlarges their hearts like a whole and fills up with love and loveliest things. Today the whole of the world is undoubtedly in great need of such a thing. There is a feeling of abhorrence and inequity among all the folks of the realm and it can be washed off only by the religions. It was done solely by the single means in the days that have gone away.
Today also it is possible only by it an in the days to come as well as. But for this teaching should be in common far and wide. It is also necessary for us that it should be presented not in a wrong way. Humanity should not be condemned in the name of religions. Therefore, let us march ahead in our transitory life with the basic objective of “live and let live” verily this is the preaching of the religions and it is the only source for welfare and harmony of all the human beings of the universe. Our opinions may indicate towards only our religion but we must bear in mind that the followers of the other religions must not be humiliated through our action and comments, because every individual is authorized to hold his Dharma, rites and dogmas. This thing has been described in all the scriptures. Our holy book also explains vividly to give honor and respect to all the religions. The great Urdu poet and philosopher Allama Iqbal has also expressed the same notion to the whole world. In his own words “Mazhab Nahin Sikhata Aapas Main Bair Rakhna”. By following that Dharma never means to be quite separated from the community. We challenge that a true religious man can never be so. It is a fact that the religion joins the hearts of all the people. If in practical life hearts of the folks are shattered by any religion, it will be an open secret for the dead soul of the religion.

Our country is a democratic and secular country which means every religion is equal and every individual has got full autonomy in adopting and following any of the religion that he thinks to be perfect. In other words there is no particular religion declared by the government rather each and every individual should be ready to live and die for the sake of his native and with following his own Dharma. Our religions are different, our living styles too but our community is one i.e. humanity. All we are of Indian race, the whole class is purely India. This lesson has been conveyed by Allama Iqbal in his nationalistic song and we will recite it to all the Indians.
                                  Mazhab Nahin Sikhata Aapas Main Bair Rakhna,
                                  Hindi Hain Hum Watan Hain Hindustan Hamara.
Religion does not teach us to bear ill-will among ourselves; we are of Hind (Hindustan), our home land / mother land is Hindustan
The whole paragraph evolves to the meaning that our first identity is our nation, Hindustan it states between the lines that every difference in opinion is our own creation, we must drop those.
Dr. M.N. Rahman

Assistant Professor
           JEMTEC, School of Law
Greater Noida 


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