Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

Business Process Re-engineering is the fundamental rethinking and radical re-design of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of performance such as cost, quality, service and speed.It involves the overhaul of organizational structures, management systems, job descriptions, performance measurements, skill development, training and most importantly the use of information technology.BPR impacts every aspect of how the organization runs its business.Change on this scale can cause results ranging from enviable success to complete breakdown & failure.A successful BPR can result in dramatic performance improvements, increase in profits, better business practices, enormous cost reductions, dramatic improvements in productivity & so on.There are different phases of BRP such as:
·        Begin Organizational Change
·        Building the reengineering organization
·        Identifying BPR opportunities
·        Understanding the existing process
·        Re-engineering the process
·        Blueprint the new business system
·        Perform the transformation
Challenges in BPR:
Unfortunately, all BPR projects are not as successful as those described.
Most of the BPR projects will fall short of expectations.
« Resistance from employees.
« Changing the traditional ways of doing things.
« Time Requirements (BPR is a lengthy process, almost always taking two or more years to complete).
« High cost of BPR.
« Manpower reduction (BPR often results in employees being laid off).

    By Kalpana
     Assistant Professor BCA Department


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