Importance of Quiz in Education

Quiz is a unique method of developing creativity among students. It entails putting questions to a group regarding various issues or on a particular theme. Promptness in answering a question or finding out a solution is based on rational and sometimes original thinking. The person responsible for asking questions to the participants in a quiz should be mature and experienced person. He should be embodiment of knowledge.
Advantages of Quiz:
1.      Mental horizon: Quiz competition broadens the mental horizon of the students. The students learn more and more about the country and the world as a whole. They keep themselves abreast with current affairs of the country and of the world as a whole.
2.      Reading habits: Quiz competition develops reading habits among students. They read newspapers good magazines, other reading material and make use of library. They get training in self-learning.
3.      Clear thinking Quiz helps in developing clear thinking among the students.
4.      Self-confidence and boldness: It helps in developing boldness, self-confidence and self-reliance among the students. It makes them independent, vocal and self-directed with minimum of fears in them.
5.      Planning and organisation: It gives the students training in planning, organising and collecting data.
6.      Instinctive value: Various instincts like instinct of curiosity, instinct of self-assertion and instinct of gregariousness find healthy outlet of expression and are sublimated through quiz competition.
7.      Emotional value: Quiz plays a significant role in the training of emotions. It has a cathartic effect on the emotions of students as they purge out the pent up emotional energy.
Role of the Teacher in Organising Quiz:
1.      Proper planning: The quiz must be properly planned. The teacher should make judicious selection of Interesting and useful questions and notify the date, time and place of the quiz. The field or the area of the quiz must be announced well in advance. Definite objectives of the quiz should be fixed up and efforts should be made in the right direction for the achievement of these objectives. The active participants of the quiz should be specified.

2.      Preparations and guidance: The teacher should encourage maximum number of students to take part in the quiz. The true spirit of quiz should be developed among the students. They should come well prepared for the quiz. The quiz is a joint responsibility of all the students. The teacher should give proper guidance for the quiz. 

Mr. Sanjay Bhardwaj
Assistant Professor
Jagannath Institute of Education
48/4,Knowledge park-III,Greater Noida, Pin-201306
Ph. No:-09717466429     


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