Social Influence and Conformity

Social Influence:
Social influence is defined as change in an individual’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes or behaviours that results from interaction with another individual or group.  It is the process by which individuals adjust their beliefs and behaviour as a result of interaction with others who are perceived to be similar or desirable.
Individuals are also influenced by majority: when a large portion of an individual’s referent social group holds a particular attitude, it is likely that the individual will adopt it as well. Additionally, individuals may change an opinion under the influence of another who is perceived to be an expert.
Conformity is a type of social influence involving a change in belief or behavior in order to fit in with a group. This change is in response to real (involving the physical presence of others) or imagined (involving the pressure of social norms / expectations) group pressure. Conformity is the process by which an individual’s attitudes, beliefs and behaviours are conditioned by what is conceived to be what other people might perceive. This influence occurs in both small groups and society as a whole, and it may be result of subtle unconscious influences or direct and overt social pressure.
Conformity is often associated with adolescence and youth culture, but it affects humans of all ages. It influences the formation and maintenance of social norms and allows society to function smoothly and predictably. It changes how we behave to be more like others. This plays to belonging and esteem needs as we seek the approval and friendships of others. Conformity can run very deep as we even change our beliefs and values to be like those of our peers and admired superiors. 
Factors found to increase Conformity:
1.      Group cohesiveness: People conformed more if friendships or mutual dependencies are set-up.
2.      Attractiveness of other members in the group: People tend to go along or conform more easily to a group of attractive people.
3.      Complexity or difficulty of the task: People are more likely to conform if the judgement or the task hand is complex or difficult.

Ms. Neha Goyal
Asst. Professor
Greater Noida


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