Creativity and Educational Adaptation

Creativity is the capacity of a person to produce composition, products or ideas of any sort which are novel and unique. It may involve the formulating patters and combination of information derived from past experiences and transplanting of old relationships to new situations.
According to Torrance “Creativity is a process of becoming sensitive to problems, deficiencies, gaps in knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies, identifying the difficulty, searching for solutions, making guesses, formulating hypotheses, testing and retesting these hypotheses and finally communicating the results.
Guilford said “Creativity is the capacity to produce ideas that are both new and useful through divergent thinking.  It involves thought processes as speculation, imagination and invention. Originality, fluency and flexibility are the three important constituents of creativity.
Factors involved in Creativity
·         Originality: It has three alternative dimensions- Uncommonness, Remoteness and Cleverness
·         Thought Process: Creative thought process consists of Divergent as well as Convergent Thinking.
·         Fluency: Original ideas are presented quickly and no delay is seen.
·         Flexibility:  In creativity, ideas and all its associations are not rigid in nature, they are flexible to the extent it is needed.
·         Problem Solving: Problems are solved with the help of creative thinking and imagination.
·         Usefulness: Every creative idea or product should have some purpose to serve and should be useful.
Stages of Creative Thinking
·         Preparation: In the first stage, thinker formulates the problem and collects facts and materials necessary for the solution.
·         Incubation: This is a stage of no solution and involves a number of Emotional and Cognitive complexities. The unconscious thought processes involved in creative thinking are at work during this stage.
·         Illumination: In this stage, a potential solution to the problem seems to be realized. This sudden flash of solution is known as illumination and is similar to ‘aha (eureka)’ experience.
·         Verification: In this stage, the obtained solution is verified or tested to see if it works. Frequently, the insight may turn out to be unsatisfactory and may need some modification in the strategy of approaching the problem.
Measurement of Creativity: Creativity is measured on the six dimensions given above: Originality. Thought process, Fluency, Flexibility, Problem Solving and Usefulness. Some important creativity tests are:
·         Minnesota Tests of Creative Thinking
·         Torrance Test of Creativity
·         Guilford Divergent Thinking Instruments
Educational Adaptation of Creative Children:
·         Encouraging Originality.
·         Providing situations for the development and use of Problem Solving skills.
·         Reinforcement of Creative Achievement.
·         Fostering Flexibility
·         Promoting Lateral Thinking
·         Use of special techniques like Brainstorming, Synectics, etc.
Besides these, gaming techniques, conducting debates & discussions, activities like drama, dance, music etc should be arranged for the children to develop their creativity. Creativity is universal. Every one of us possesses certain degree of creative abilities and with stimulation and proper opportunity can realize our own true talent.

Neha Goyal
Assistant Professor

Greater Noida


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