Stop being BUSY, Make it EASY
today has made tremendous progress. He has acquired vast material
resources, powerful appliances and instruments. There is no dearth of
goods that make life comfortable.
Even luxuries are available in abundance. But even then we find man in
distress. He does not find his life and property safe or secure.
Violence may erupt anywhere anytime. Hence, fear keeps him deprived of
the peace within. Tension tends to prevail all the time due to one reason
or the other.
is responsible for this state of affairs? The answer is : 'Man himself'
with the numerous achievement in the field of science and technology, he has
made all kind of weapons also. We have bombs that can create havoc on the earth
and in the air. And human mind is so unpredictable that it may trigger
any weapon any time anywhere quoting any reason. Obviously that is what
is keeping man under constant fear and tension.
Why weapons alone? Humanity is sought to be split by man through
all kinds of boundaries and walls erected in the name of caste, creed and
colour, language, religion and culture. He is shut out from the reality
of the world outside. He is cut off from the rest of the world and finds
himself in utter bewilderment. As you know criminals are kept in closed
cells. Behind the bars, they are cut off from the world. Each and
every moment of their life, therefore, passes like hell. Man has also
created this hell for himself. He thinks everything for himself,
for the fulfilment of his own interests. The result is conflict
between man and man, distance from each other, pain and suffering.
that is created by God is meant for all. But man divides even natural resources
when they come under his control. We find water being divided.
There have been disputes over the distribution of water resulting in
bloodshed. Had man been able to control the air, he would not have
allowed the wind to blow from one country into another. The same would
have been the case with sunshine.
Guided by selfish motives, man takes such
steps that saints describe him as an animal. His actions are that of animals while by appearance he looks to be
a human being. We lock our houses and shops. In other countries, people
go in for alarm system. Why?
we take these steps to guard our lives and properties from animals? No,
we need them against man. He appears to be man whereas he is not.
His actions are guided by animal instincts. We find how one animal
pounces upon the other to snatch a piece of meat. The same is the
condition of man, it appears.
farmer puts manure in order to make the land fertile and the crop
healthy. But what happens is that along with the crop there is lot of
unintended and superfluous growth of grass, etc. A wise farmer removes
this unwanted growth before pouring any more fertilizer into the land, because
he knows that otherwise it will be consumed by the wild growth and the actual
crop will starve correspondingly. This is exactly what is happening in
human world. Along with the material progress are growing the unwanted
feelings of jealousy and narrow-mindedness. The vices like passion,
anger, greed, attachment and ego tend to destroy the peace of mind for himself
as well as others. Unless these negative factors are weeded out,
human energies will get wasted in bad deeds, producing nothing but destruction.
has blessed man with body with physical strength and intellect to be used for
good purposes. In fact these qualities have been given by God to every
human being. Then where does this difference come from? Everybody knows
that fire is quite useful to us in many ways. We use it in the kitchen
and cook all types of food. It is used in industrial units also. But it
will be an utter misuse of fire if it is applied to burn the houses of others,
burn the people themselves. Like this, all human energies and virtues
stand misused, when we utilize these gifts of God to harm others. No
object or power is bad by itself, bad is its misuse.
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