Lead the Team through Value Inculcation

The inhabitants of the planet Earth are travelling into the outer space and their machines are making
presence all over the universe. Indians are not far behind as they have been creating history everyday
in every field. This kind of team work makes us very proud, where every concerned units of society
perform their part of values positively and scale the heights of success. Values form the positive
environment. But on the other hands there are many situations where there is lack of value practices
inviting favouritism, discrimination, negativity and unfavourable working environment. Value
practiced in positive or negative ways are, just like the, two sides of a coin. Similar assumptions are
there in the real world of human activities. All human beings are individually different from each
other but there are some defined standard of values for all at a particular level of team working. They
get assigned different responsibilities and duties as per their designations. In such conditions it
becomes very important for all team members to work very hard for the organization but sometimes
results get affected and manipulated by the team leader of the concerned team. Why so......because
values are practiced in wrong way. Consciously/unconsciously the head of the team has her/his impact
on almost every aspects of working. A single mistake or willingly misinterpretation may spoil the
image and motivational spirit of potential team members. A leader is the star of a group. An efficient
team leader can scale the heights of success with the help of her/his team members’ potentialities. An
experienced and highly motivated team leader may bring out the best from her/ his available
teammates by practicing the fundamental globally accepted values. The leader should come forward
and lead from the front but it doesn’t happen every time everywhere because “wrong person at right
place” may harm the organization in long run. Visions of a “right kind of leader at right place” always
bring success and reputation to the mother organization. In many observed cases it has been found
that an inexperienced, inefficient, narrow minded, value lacking team leaders may spoil the beans and
always try to create obstacles before completing the departmental tasks with most of the members.
Such leaders always try to hide their weaknesses and constantly try to create an environment of jobinsecurity
and conspiracy at the workplace so that team members will never dare to inform higher
management and also the organization will never know her/his inabilities and weaknesses. A team
leader is considered as the epicentre of all kinds of values practiced there and also a great source of
environment formation. It is a very well known fact that values practiced by the team leader form the
working environment of any work place. The personal and professional values of the team leader also
inspire team members’ values. They give direction to achieve the vision of the concerned school or
department in any organization. In such case there may be many plausible ways to solve the problem.
The needy should be given some time to learn through remedial measures under supervision of some
experts appointed by the organization or should firmly believe in team work and can take constant
meeting of subordinates for generating ample ideas lying within team members in a very much
democratic environment. The human resource should improve her/his vision, potentialities and
efficiencies by taking counseling, self-learning, imitation of top management and inculcating socially
accepted democratic professional values. Highly appreciated personal and professional values of the
head create an environment of positivity, motivation and success where all the units of human
resources enjoy every moment of working.If you are well qualified, suitable and having all good
personal values and universally accepted professional ethics, no doubt you may create a heavenly
feelings at a work place, including you.

Assistant Professor,
Jagannath Institute of Education,


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