Launching of ‘Prashikshak’- A teacher education portal

On 30 June 2016 former Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani dedicated ‘Prashikshak’- a teacher education portal, to the nation. ‘Prashikshak’ is launched with a vision to strengthen District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs) and bring quality teachers into the Indian school education system. Prashiskshak portal has started only for DIETs, it will cover block level institutes in the future and identify gaps at the bottom of the pyramid. The Ministry of Human Resource Development also has plans for enhancing Prashikshak to cover all Govt. Teacher Education Institutions in the country, which are recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education. All State Government teacher education functionaries can make full use of the ‘Prashikshak’ portal to bring about transformative changes in the monitoring system of these institutions. On its launching day live interaction shown through video conferencing with DIET Principals across 6 States of India - Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh.
Prashikshak is a unique IT initiative, a first of its kind in the country, which will contain a comprehensive database of all DIETs in the country with all relevant performance indicators. It will help benchmark DIETs to enable aspiring teachers to make informed choices about their future. At the same time, it will give the opportunity to Central and State Governments to do real time monitoring of the institutions.
Prashikshak was established through joint collaboration between Ministry of Human Resource Development and Central Square Foundation. The objective of Prashikshak is to define quality benchmarks and help DIETs to make informed decisions about their institutes, compare the performance of their institute against other DIETs in the state/country as well as helping aspiring teachers make informed decision making.
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar
Assistant Professor,
JIE, JIMS JEMTEC, Knowledge Park-III,

Greater Noida.


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