Role of IT in today’s world

Information Technology is the technology used to acquire, give and produce information. Data is converted into information and then knowledge comes from that information. To have that level of knowledge ,we need to have appropriate information, that’s what the role of Information technology in today’s informed world. Information Technology plays a vital role in almost all areas nowadays for example banking, organizations, agriculture, entertainment, health care and in one’s day to day life also.
With the advancement of computers in today’s era , the world has changed a lot. With the introduction of  IT, businesses like flipkart, ebay, myntra etc are growing on a very large scale. They satisfy the demands of the consumer quickly, and without any hassle. They have captured the entire retail market. They provide customers the ease of purchasing and returning the items on a single click. This is the biggest step in the modern world of today.  We can view the things of our choice ,can book train or flight tickets and can perform each and every task of our choice by just sitting at one place . IT has changed the thinking process of an individual. With these gradual advancements only , the people of our country will progress and so will the country.
IT has played a major role in changing the life of students as well. Nowadays online material for every topic is present, students can easily download and learn . They can do part time jobs as well along with studies. Teachers can also be upto date with IT.  As the popularity of IT is increasing day by day, people from rural areas also have started showing their interest for IT. They are also keen to learn and explore. They use modern techniques for agriculture and farming.
In the coming years IT will be on the next level. Everything will be computerized,  fetching of   information regarding any subject will be quick and easy. In the future, people will accept and enjoy this evolution.


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