To  make  learning  more  tailored,  more  interactive and more self-motivated the use of Web  2.0  technologies  such  as  blogs  or  podcasts  has emerged as a language learning tool. For  learning  English language, blogging is an excellent learning platform which  can  develop  the  students’  knowledge  and   their  language  performance  in  writing. It's a platform that facilitate  students to publish and distribute their work to a wider audience and also  see themselves as authors.

A blog ,also known as weblog can be simply created and  often updated-- a  minimum  of  technical  knowledge and basic  access  to  the  Internet, is all, that is required.   It resembles just an online journal. Because of this, it is one amongst the simplest ways to publish student writing on the World Wide Web (www). A typical blog combines text,  images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic and focuses on specific areas such as art (art blogs), photographs (photo blogs), videos (video blog or vblog), music (MP3blogs), audio (podcasts) or micro blogs (that feature very short posts). Blogs that are used as instructional resources or for academic purposes are known as edublogs.

 A weblog or a blog  is  a  feasible  choice  when  a  public space is  required  to  present  the  students’  work  or  where  students can share experiences, opinions or creations that mirrors the best of their knowledge and learning.

Though blogs are not directly intended for educational purposes and uses, they have drawn attention from EFL educators as they serve as a learning tool with the context of learning a language.

Blogs or weblog reduces the  writing fear among the students. It additionally permits subscribers or bloggers to gain knowledge  from one another in terms of ideas, language grammar and structure, and organization of their essays.

Blog  is a latest form of blended learning. It combines face to face (FTF)  teaching and learning by placing appropriate  use  of  technology  at  its  centre  .

  Blogs  are  seen  as  tools  for  learning  and can be used  for  developing  students’  language  learning    in  general  or  develop  the specific  skills  like  reading and writing  .


Blogs  provide several advantages to our students since they help to  enhance the skills of communicating, sharing, analyzing, reflecting, reading, writing, keeping records and promote collaboration among the  grown-ups.

According to some research reports, use of blogs in language learning enhances --


1.Awareness of the target culture

The use of blogs in EFL learning contributes to gaining cultural knowledge, provides opportunities to explore the target culture, and increases cultural awareness. Research shows that learners gain cultural knowledge via blogs (Hauck, 2007) and have opportunities to explore the target language and culture. The use of blogs enhances cultural  interaction, competence, communication and exchanges.

2. Interaction and communication

Blogs plays an significant role in developing interactions among students and between teachers and students within the target language. The   writing environments such as blogs and wikis enhance interactions and communicative practices among learners. It  increases their motivation, and also enriches the discussions and interactions.  The use of blogs promotes self-expression, interaction, self-evaluation, and language progress. Blogging provides opportunities for communication in the target language.

Video blogs facilitate learners to arrange and reflect on their learning products; they make available opportunities for professional development, peer learning, visual illustration, self-evaluation, technical enhancement, and relief from time constraints; and finally, they facilitate real-time communication.

Emerging technologies, like  wikis and blogs, provide flexible means for developing language and literacy skills through collaboration and communication.

3. Fundamental language skills

Blogging can enhance the basic language  skills especially the  reading and writing skills. Blogging as a web-based e-learning tool enhances learners' language and critical thinking skills.  The many  ways to develop reading and writing skills are---- encouraging the learner to  write weekly summaries, recording vocabulary, exploring hyperlinks, reading journals, describing pictures, exchanging blog addresses and posting on cultural topics etc . Blogging fosters ownership and creativity, allows learners to experiment with language, facilitates expression in a relaxed environment, and creates awareness of the target culture.

Blogs enhances reading processes, causes positive perceptions of reading, encourages classroom discussions, and develops literacy . Blogs can be used  as an online discussion environment. Classroom blogging creates opportunities for learners to strengthen their digital fluency and their traditional literacy skills. learners can  collaborate, it deepens the learning experience and allows them to create and design their own online contributions. Blog is an  encouraging platform for  active and reflective participation in learners’ generation and knowledge sharing and  it  provides  a space for purposeful  academic writing.


4.Motivation, perceptions, and attitudes

Research shows that the blogging  affects bloggers’ affective states. Blogging enhances learners motivation, satisfaction  ,perception of technological activities in the language classroom . Blogging also positively affects the perceptions of and attitudes towards EFL learning. Blogging encourages active engagement in knowledge sharing  and demonstrate positive attitudes towards the use of blogs

5.Independent learning and learning space

Blogs are often an efficient  tool for encouraging students to reflect on their learning. It is a medium that provides individualized self-expression.

                                Thus the   adoption  of  using  blogs  as an   instructional  technology  can  create  a  space  beyond  the  more  traditional  classroom setting that can be used judiciously to facilitate learners’ collaborative writing processes and interactions. Blogs  offer  students  a  high  level  of  autonomy  while  creating  a  new  opportunity  for  interaction  with  peers. Blogging  also offers  a  useful  learning  environment  that  gives the  students  a  chance  to  create  a  strong  sense of  community  in  which  they  can  participate  actively  while  learning


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